Activity of Daniel Marschall
- Daniel Marschall commented on the static page Dynamic WEID namespace (“Class ?")In re “Unregistered Namespace”, e.g. weid:SX0-B:6Y0-4R-2:"Custom WEID" were accepted in Spec Change 11 ( )However, the sub-namespace must be “x-frdl” , e.g. weid:x-frdl:SX0-B:6Y0-4R-2In re “Registered Namespace”,...Read more
- Daniel Marschall has a new avatar
- Daniel Marschall joined the group WEID Consortium
- Daniel Marschall is now a friend with Melanie Wehowski
- Daniel Marschall is now a friend with WEID Consortium
- Daniel Marschall joined the site