Anmerkung:\Webfan\Webfat\App\ContainerCollection is deprecated!Instead use:\IO4\Container\Collection
Results for "io4"
- It is reasonable to add caching as in the IO4-Default-Implementation
- By Melanie Wehowski in the group Frdlweb Software...trap” does it and it now looks like<?phpif($container->has('config.IO4_FACADES_ENABLE') && true === $container->get('config.IO4_FACADES_E...
- By Melanie Wehowski in the group Frdlweb Software...the init method or the environment variable “IO4_WORKSPACE_SCOPE”.IO4_WORKSPACE...s.custom directory - set a path/directory in IO4_WORKSPACE...nbsp; $__home = is_dir(getenv('IO4_WORKSPACE...
Discussion topic
- By Melanie Wehowski in the group IO4Currently adding/testing:Check out OIDplus as CMS:
- Angemeldete Benutzer können [DIE VORLIEGENDE SEITE BEARBEITEN], zum Beispiel umFragen zu stellenNeue Kategorien, Unterseiten, Themen…. vorzuschlagen.Fehler zu berichten…eigene Ideen…
- BridgesOIDplusIO4 Extensions | Webfan Webfat Remote AutoloaderDynamic Namespaces PluginFrdlweb.js JavascriptElggWebfan WebfatAuth/Entity #ToDoFrdlweb.js Javascri...
- This group is about the IO4 Framework.Developers, Discussion, Resources…One IO4 paradigma could be:Do not code your software, avoid programming. Instead implement interfaces, protocols and integrate best practises.