...Registered Namespace”, e.g. weid:smoke.tel:6Y0-4R-2:Either use Spec Change 10 which defines Class D / Domain WEID as a different notation of weid:9-DNS-…Or use “...
Results for "DNS"
Discussion topic
- By Melanie Wehowski in the group WEID ConsortiumReference: https://frdl.de/dynamic-weid-namespace-class#elgg-object-190Proposals for DNS Records:example.com TXT _oid_rdap=https://rdap.example.comexample.com TXT _oid_root=2.999
- By Melanie Wehowski in the group WEID ConsortiumOID-Connect OID-IP OID-Whois RDAP -→ must rewrite the current implemtation, as this spec is part of the specification of ours! (Bootstrap rdap mäßig)DNS -→ …Service Level Specs -→ …. oid.zone …Domains of OID-Connect/ref/domains
- By Melanie Wehowski in the group WEID ConsortiumOn this page you can edit/disscuss and create sub-pages to split into topics and strcuture the problematics of this thread: https://frdl.de/bookmarks/view/1233/oid-resolution-system-problems-requirements-and-potential-solutions
User support FAQ
- By Melanie Wehowski in the group Webmaster...reien und Angriffsversuche.# Kundinnen InformationTL;DR/Kurzversion: Die DNS Einträge...aud and attempted attacks.# Customer informationTL;DR/Short version: The DNS entries o...